St. John UCC Lenten Schedule

Please join us on Wednesdays during Lent for a Simple Supper followed by worship/study. We will alternate weeks hosting between Immanuel UCC in Kaukauna and St. John UCC at the Tauber Center in Appleton.


Lenten Worship/Study will use the book, Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus J. Borg.


Reading Guide for our Lenten Study


· March 5 - Ash Wednesday - no reading

· March 12 Chapter 1 Meeting Jesus Again

· March 19 Chapter 2 What Manner of Man? The Pre-Easter Jesus

· March 26 Chapter 3 Jesus, Compassion, and Politics

· April 2 Chapter 4 Jesus and Wisdom: Teacher of Alternative Wisdom

· April 9 Chapter 5 Jesus, the Wisdom of God: Sophia Become Flesh

· April 17 Chapter 6 Images of Jesus and Images of the Christian Life


Although there will be discussion at our Wednesday gatherings I would like to offer a longer time for discussions via Zoom. If I hear of your interest, they will be scheduled.


Hope to see you!!